4th WORKSHOP on Security & Stability in the Mediterranean and the Middle East

Events, Εκδηλώσεις 30 Νοέ 2023


Deadline: 4 March 2024


4th WORKSHOP on Security & Stability in the Mediterranean and the Middle East


to be held on 30-31 Μay and 1 June 2024 in Athens, GREECE

 This Workshop is organized by the Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER/IDOS) of Athens in collaboration with:

  • ARAID/Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
  • Center for Mediterranean Studies,Yasar Univerity, Turkey
  • Institute  for European Studies, University of Malta, Malta
  • Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus
  • Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre, Cyprus
  • University of Catania, Italy


Vital issues of security and stability in the Mediterranean continue to dominate the regional and international agendas: for instance, the war between Israel and Hamas and the tension in the Greater Middle East, the recent developments in Turkey and Iran, the ongoing violence in Syria, Iraq and Libya, as well as the migration and refugee crises; and the role of global powers such as the United States, Russia and China. The Mare Nostrum remains a key area for the future of the European Union (EU)’s relationship with the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries.

The objective of this Workshop is to discuss and analyze the ongoing political conflicts in the Euro-Mediterranean region and of possible ways to bringing peace and stability to the region.

The general topics of the Workshop may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Security in the Mediterranean and the Broader Middle East
  • The future of Middle East
  • The impact of the war between Israel and Hamas
  • Perspectives on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict: European and American approaches
  • Turkey and Iran
  • The Persian Gulf in Crisis: strategic, political, social and economic aspects
  • Issues of maritime zones delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Islam and democracy in Arab states
  • Energy security and pipeline diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • The impact of the war in Ukraine on the Mediterranean – Middle East region
  • The United States, the Russian Federation and other BRICS
  1. Migration, Refugee Crisis and Human Security in the Mediterranean and the Middle East
  • The political and economic consequences of the refugee crises

§  Problems and prospects for migration in the Mediterranean region§  Irregular migration, state security and human security in the Mediterranean §  Security and migration policies in the Mediterranean §  Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in the Mediterranean

  1. The present and future of Euro-Mediterranean relations
  • The EU and the Middle East conflict
  • The Union for Mediterranean
  • Prospects of regional and sub-regional cooperation in the Mediterranean area
  • The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

§  Trade and economic relations between Mediterranean EU countries and other Mediterranean states§  Cultural and religious dialogues in the Mediterranean and the role of the EU§  Parliamentary dimensions of EU-Mediterranean relations

 Please submit your paper abstract (300-350 words) or your panel proposals (up to four papers per panel) by Monday 4th March 2024, which should also include the following information: names, title, status, corresponding address, telephone numbers and email.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by Monday 18th March 2024, and the deadline for the submission of the papers will be on Monday 13th May 2024.

The Conference will be held in downtown Athens at the premises of the Institute of International Economic Relations, 16, Panepistimiou Str. (El. Venizelou), Athens.

Until 5 May 2024: 150 euros per person
After 5 May 2024: 225 euros per person

Fees will cover papers in electronic form, two buffet lunches and a reception. Bank transfer details to be sent later to all accepted papers givers or/and panels organizers.

Paper abstracts, panel proposals and full papers should be submitted to IIER by e-mail or fax to:
Mrs Stella Milioti
Institute of International Economic Relations
Email:  [email protected]
Tel:  0030-210-3620274
Fax: 0030-210-3626610


Important dates

  • 4 March 2024: Paper abstracts and panel proposals submission’s deadline (please complete the attached form)
  • 18 March 2024: notification of acceptance
  • 5 May 2024: Deadline for early bird registration (fee: 150 euros) via bank transfer
  • 13 May 2024: Paper submission deadline
  • 30 May-1 June 2024: Conference dates

Further Information
Mrs Stella Milioti
Institute of International Economic Relations,
Tel:  0030-210-3620274
E-mail: [email protected]

Event coordinators (academic)
Prof. Charlambos Tsardanidis, Director, Institute of International Economic Relations
Dr.  Stelios Stavridis, ARAID Senior Research Fellow, University of Zaragoza

International Advisory Committee
Fulvio Attina, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and International Relations, University of Catania
Emre İşeri, Director of the Center for Mediterranean Studies, Professor Yasar University, Turkey
Roderick Pace, Professor, University of Malta
Stefania Panebianco, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Catania, and Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair EUMedEA
Pantelis Sklias, Rector, Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus
Harry Tzimitras, Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Nicosia, Cyprus



← Συνάντηση Ελλήνων και Τούρκων ακαδημαϊκών και ερευνητών στην Σμύρνη Συνέδριο Διεθνών Σχέσεων: Mare Mediterraneum ΙΙ →