📢On📅October 26, 2024, the Research Program on the Theory and Practice of Ινστιτούτο Διεθνών Οικονομικών Σχέσεων – ΙΔΟΣ / IIER (Institute of International Economic Relations), Athens 🇬🇷, in collaboration with the Department of Political Science at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU) and the Association of International Politics and Security Studies (INTPOLSEC) organized the virtual roundtable:
Theorizing Neoclassical Realism – U.S. Foreign Policy after November 5, 2024 📝📚
The virtual roundtable critically appraised Neoclassical Realism’s applications and explanatory power and its capacity to produce methodological innovations in the realist research program and advance theory’s predictive power.
The👩💻👨💻panelists made their theoretical arguments on foreign policy and presented their expectations about 🇺🇸 U.S. foreign policy in both cases: a Trumpian or a Harrisian foreign policy after the 60th presidential inauguration, and what it will mean for how the Americans relate to their allies and the world🌎🌍🌏, and concluded with a normative / personal statement, examining if and how Neoclassical Realism produces methodological innovations in the Realist research program and advances theory’s predictive power in order to ameliorate neorealism’s shortcomings.
Given the American presidential election on 📅 November 5th, 2024, and the importance of 🇺🇸 U.S. foreign policy for a liberal world order and international peace and security in Europe, the MENA region, East Asia and other regions of the world, IR scholars, practitioners, students and world affairs enthusiasts 👩🎓👨🎓 were cordially invited to attend and discuss and submit their questions.
✅ Richard Ned Lebow (King’s College London / Pembroke College, University of Cambridge)
✅ Knud Erik Jørgensen (Aarhus University)
✅ Gideon Rose (Council on Foreign Relations / Columbia University, former chief editor of Foreign Affairs)
✅ Michiel Foulon (ETH Zürich)
✅ Feng Zhang (Yale University / Tsinghua University)
✅ Alexander Reichwein
Department of Political Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen
✅ Bezen Balamir
President of the Association of International Politics and Security Studies (INTPOLSEC)
✅ Feride Aslι Ergül Jorgensen
Department of International Relations, Ege University
✅Carmen Chas Bartolomé
Comillas Pontifical University
✅Mateusz Filary-Szczepanik
Jesuit University Ignatianum
✅ Effie Charalampaki 🇬🇷
Head of the Research Program on the Theory and Practice of International Relations, IIER
Organizing Committee:
✅ Alexander Reichwein
Department of Political Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen
✅ Bezen Balamir
President of the Association of International Politics and Security Studies (INTPOLSEC)
✅ Feride Aslι Ergül Jorgensen
Department of International Relations, Ege University
✅ Charalampos Tsardanidis
Director of the Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER)
✅ Effie Charalampaki
Head of the Research Program on the Theory and Practice of International Relations, IIER
Watch the🎬 video 👉 HERE
(photos courtesy of Alex Reichwein)