The IIER Distinguished Virtual Lecture Series – Prof. Knud Erik Jørgensen

Announcements, Events 24 Jan 2024

The Research Program on the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER), Athens, Greece organizes

The IIER Distinguished Virtual Lecture Series

that aims to delve into the rich and diverse scholarship in the field of International Relations (IR) by featuring prominent theorists and brilliant speakers from around the world who have made important contributions to the field.

We are honored to host the first Distinguished Speaker: Knud Erik Jørgensen, Professor Emeritus, Aarhus University.

Knud Erik Jørgensen (PhD) is Professor Emeritus at Aarhus University.
He is a co-editor of the book series Palgrave Studies in International Relations and the European Union in International Affairs. Publications include: The Sage Handbook on European Foreign Policy (co-ed 2015); International Relations Theory: A New Introduction (Palgrave 2017); co-edited with Oriol Costa, The Influence of International Institutions on the European Union: When Multilateralism Hits Brussels (Palgrave 2012); co-edited with Katie Laatikainen, Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power (Routledge 2013). Articles have appeared in European Journal of International Relations, Journal of European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy, Cooperation and Conflict. He is involved in the COST Action ENTER Network, the EUNPD Network and EURDIPLO, a research project on the EEAS. His most recent books are: What Ιs International Relations? (2021) and The Liberal International Theory Tradition in Europe (2021).

The event will take place on January 29, 2024 at 18:00 EET on Zoom.

You will receive the join zoom link in your registration email: HERE

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