The Research Program on the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER) in Athens in collaboration with the Association of International Politics and Security Studies (INTPOLSEC) and the Department of Political Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen organizes the virtual roundtable:
Give Realism a Chance: Realist Perspectives in
the Century of Complexity and Turbulence
The web event will address the claim that scholars of a Realist orientation are seriously challenged in understanding contemporary power politics. The roundtable will examine the contributions of Classical Realism, Neorealism and Neoclassical Realism and will discuss “what” innovations are taking/could take place in the Realist research program and “how” to analyze the current balance of power, globally or regionally.
Roundtable Participants:
Knud Erik Jørgensen (Aarhus University)
Richard Ned Lebow (King’s College London – Pembroke College, University of Cambridge)
Shiping Tang (Fudan University)
Jennifer Sterling-Folker (University of Connecticut)
Gideon Rose (Council on Foreign Relations – Columbia University)
Daniel Nexon (Georgetown University)
Alexander Reichwein (Department of Political Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Charalampos Tsardanidis (Institute of International Economic Relations)
Bezen Balamir (TED University – President of INTPOLSEC)
F. Asli Ergul Jοrgensen (Ege University)
Carmen Chas Bartolome (Bath University)
Effie Charalampaki (Head of the Research Program on the Theory and Practice of International Relations, IIER)
The event will take place on Zoom on May 11, 2024 at:
8:00 CDT – 9:00 EDT – 14:00 BST – 15:00 CEST – 16:00 EEST-TRT – 21:00 CST
Registrants will receive the joint Zoom link through the registration confirmation email: Please click here
Organizing Committee:
Alexander Reichwein (Department of Political Science,
Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Charalampos Tsardanidis (IIER)
Bezen Balamir (TED University – INTPOLSEC)
F. Asli Ergul Jorgensen (Ege University)
Knud Erik Jørgensen (Aarhus University)
Effie Charalampaki (IIER)
Stella Milioti
T: +30 210 36 20 274
E: [email protected]