The European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) is a gathering of China experts from a selection of European research institutes and is represented in Greece by its founding member IIER (the Institute of International Economic Relations). ETNC is devoted to the policy-oriented study of Chinese foreign policy and relations between China and European countries as well as China and the EU.
The Network facilitates regular exchanges among participating researchers with a view to deepening the understanding within the European policy and research community and the broader public of how Europe, as a complex set of actors, relates with China and how China’s development and evolving global role is likely to impact the future of Europe.
The ETNC’s discussions, analyses and recommendations take a decidedly ‘bottom-up’ approach, taking into account the various aspects of bilateral relations between European countries and China, and the points of convergence and divergence among EU members states in order to examine EU-China relations in a realistic and comprehensive way.
On 13th and 14th May 2019, ETNC members were hosted by IIER in Athens for their six-monthly meeting to discuss the upcoming 5th annual report of the network. On 15 May, ETNC members met the management of the Piraeus Port Authority and had a guided tour around the facilities.
Press Release: ETNC brief press release